For, pop culture is an obsession. is a thoughtfully curated online destination that celebrates the millennial spirit and captures the Zeitgeist of the socially sharable world we inhabit. Our daily mission involves satisfying your craving for celebrity gossip, exclusive content and breaking news. We supply the news that matters to you.

As the go-to site for four million unique monthly visitors, we favor intelligent, provocative, well-reported articles with a lighthearted tone. Providing both entertainment and information with only a hint of snark, our stories will leave you feeling inspired, satisfied and fully informed.

Who should apply?

We want writers with confident new perspectives who understand the power of words, extensive research and witty turns of phrase. Are you an expert on a topic? Even better. Seasoned journalists, budding writers and bloggers with writing skills worth noticing are all encouraged to apply. The best writers identify trends, separate fact from fiction and run toward breaking news. Karma is real so we don’t encourage back biting content or smack talk.

What is in it for me?

Glory! Fame! A six-figure book deal and a date with Drake!

Back in the real world, this is an unpaid opportunity, but you will get high fives and our heartfelt thank you. In addition to heaps of praise, our top notch crew of experienced editors will work directly with you to refine your editorial voice and style. Reach a broader audience and work on advancing your career.
We will help you develop into a lean, mean writing machine. You’ll have audience access to our millions of readers and we’ll promote your content via our social media outlets.

Those bylines you’ll get are pretty sweet too.

How will this help me reach my goals?

Becoming an contributor gives you direct access to our powerful platform where you’ll gain valuable experience in the digital media world. You will get the opportunity to contribute to a start-up, publish content and learn from industry experts how to grow an audience, handle breaking news and figure out the interests of your readership.

How does it work?

Send me your resume and your two best writing samples. I will review them. That’s it.

How do I sign up?

Send your resume and writing samples to Put ENSTARS CONTRIBUTOR in the Subject line. I will reply directly to the candidates of interest.