While they will surely be a couple of other DC comic movies to come before it, speculation over highly anticipated superhero ensemble, Justice League, has continued to ignite buzz throughout the web.

Latino Review recently reported that the future flick will be featuring the likes of five comic favorites: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Green Lantern.

The Justice League concept had initially debuted in The Brave and The Bold #28 in 1960. The team of superheroes was then composed of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, and the Martian Manhunter.

If the speculation indeed holds true, then the future film will have five of the original seven Justice League members gracing the big screen.

As of late, there's been a slew of speculation over whether actor Christian Bale would reprise his role as Batman on the future project. He had previously claimed that he wouldn't be putting on the Batman uniform ever again, as he stated the following in an interview with Entertainment Weekly last year:

"We're finished with all we're doing with Batman. This is the end of our take on this character. I've got no plans to do anything more, and certainly, no involvement with any 'Justice League' project," he said.

However, Bale later came out to express that he actually still had an interest in the part pending the attachment of his Dark Knight Rises director Nolan, according to Empire.

"My understanding is that this is the last one. I think it's appropriate, I think it's going out at the right time. But if Chris came to me with a script and said 'You know what? There is another story', then I would love the challenge of making a fourth one work."

Although the film script has yet to be completed, the Justice League movie is slated to hit theaters at some point in 2015.