She might be one of the most beautiful women in the world, but she's not hear to talk about her latest pair of shoes, the newest perfume on the market or what she likes to drink when she's relaxing on the couch at home. Instead, Angelina Jolie is opening up about the worldwide refugee crisis, calling it a "dangerous situation."

According to People Magazine on Tuesday, the Hollywood actress made a speech in front of a number of high-ranking politicians at the U.S. State Department in Washington, D.C. on World Refugee Day this week.

Speaking about how ignoring the refugee crisis would be "naïve, irresponsible, and dangerous," she said, "If I ask people for anything on this day, it is to take a moment and to truly grasp what a refugee crisis of today's magnitude means for peace and security of the world. I ask people to understand that with 65 million people displaced by conflict, we are facing a world of wars we cannot ignore or turn our backs on."'

Jolie added, "We face a very clear choice: to continue as we are and see displacement and insecurity grow, or to come together with other nations and find a new approach, one that does not focus solely on aid and resettlement but on solution, stability and returns. Strength lies in mastering and channeling our emotions so that we pursue policies that reduce - not inflame - threats to our security. We need leadership. We need solutions."

If that weren't enough, Secretary of State John Kerry also highly praised the actress for her commitment in helping the millions of refugees from all over the world, especially those in warn-torn Syria right now.

He said, "She's been working at this for years. This is not a passing fancy for her at all; it is a lifetime commitment."