A recent, mysterious sighting has caught the attention of UFO investigators across the globe, as a footage from the Moon Live Stream has been found to have shown a strange object seemingly hovering across the Moon's surface.

The object appears like a pretty small black dot on the screen. However, things began to get interesting when the object started weaving in and out of the Moon's surface, before fully disappearing into the darkness.

The footage first caught the eye of a UFO hunter who goes by the name of SpaceImaging Keith. The UFO investigator then uploaded the mysterious footage on YouTube, where it attracted a lot of attention from believers and skeptics alike.

"It's a UFO. Unidentified Flying Object. What it is, I have no Idea, but it's not normal for us," the UFO investigator stated in the YouTube video.

Considering the object's movements, however, many critics have dismissed the video, stating that the footage did not capture a UFO at all, but rather, a weather balloon. Others were even quite sarcastic, stating that the telescope used in the footage simply had an insect on the lens.

There were also those who believe that the object was a man-made satellite that was sent into space.

However, prominent UFO investigator Scott C. Waring stated that the mysterious object's flight path was not consistent with that of weather balloons or satellites. Waring stated that he believes the footage actually showed a very real alien spacecraft.

"As luck would have it, this UFO was caught on live stream when they were checking out the moon. The UFO is not a satellite, which would travel in a straight line. This UFO zig zags as it moves forward. It is not a balloon because a balloon does not zig zag as it travels," he said.

Other supporters of the video's authenticity also stated that the object could not have been a bug on the telescope's lens. This is because something crawling on the lens' surface would not be as clear and focused as the object on the Moon's surface. Thus, whatever the object really was, it was definitely something that was hovering just above the Moon.

As for Waring, asserted that there have already been similar sightings in the past, with the latest UFO being captured on Aug. 10 of this year.