While Leonard Nimoy won't be making an appearance in the upcoming Star Trek Into Darkness, the former Spock has teamed up with his young doppelganger for an Audi commercial.

Zachary Quinto, who plays the current Spock, is seen losing to Nimoy in a virtual game of chess. Quinto challenges the actor to a round of golf, stating that who ever gets to the club last must pay for lunch.

Star Trek fans can enjoy not only seeing their heroes on screen together, but also watch plethora of series references. As the Audi gets treated to a bit of U.S.S. Enterprise lens flare, Nimoy sings along to the "Ballad of Bilbo Baggins" and tells Quinto to use his sensors.

Old school Spock struggles with his car, attempting to cram his golf bag in the too small trunk until he finally decides to strap it in the front seat. Meanwhile Quinto portrays the young, technology savvy Audi owner. With a spacious trunk, push button ignition, and GPS, Quinto beats his elder to the club.

Nimoy feigns dying upon getting to the club; telling Quinto he has been "and always shall be your friend," before taking him out with the Vulcan nerve pinch.

Before the 2 minute and 45 second commercial is up however, both Spocks are awed by a glimpse at the self-driving Audi.

Quinto stars in Star Trek Into Darkness, which opens in May 17.