Up until some time ago no one on the internet knew anything about the new upcoming Wolverine 3. However, now there are many things which are officially known such as the official title of the film and a few photos. 

A blue-checkmarked instagram account called "wponx" recently started posting photos on their account which are highly related to the upcoming movie. Fans at Comic Book theorize that the name of the account itself resembles "Weapon X" which was a highly involved topic in all the previous Wolverine movies. 

The pictures themselves perfectly describe the definition of what a teaser should be. They give away no spoilers regarding the plot of the movie itself or the cast yet they area sufficient enough to cause an array of excitement amongst anyone who sees them.

One picture titled "aftermath" on Independent shows a detached arm holding a shotgun laying on the ground. This picture indicates a violent act and what could have happened to a person trying to defend themselves from Logan. 

There are two more pictures but they both show different locations rather than teasers. One of them is a reflection of a Motel through a puddle on the ground whilst the other shows a fence with the word "Aviso" on it which seems to be in the middle of nowhere. 

Whatever the story of the official film is going to be, the three pictures that have been released so far cannot be connected together to form a string for the life in them. As of now there are a handful of pictures on the Instagram account and it seems as if more of them will be added in the future.  I highly recommend everyone to keep tabs on their for more reveals about the movie in the near future.