Chelsea Clinton went on The Talk on Thursday to discuss the single most cringe-worthy comment from this week's debate: Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton "a nasty woman."

Surprisingly, Chelsea's first reaction wasn't anger or confusion. Rather, it was disappointment.

"My first reaction was, 'Oh no, now no one's going to pay attention to Social Security,' which is actually a really important conversation and a topic that hasn't gotten enough attention in this election season," she told The Talk hosts.

She continued:

"I think it has been clear now for many months who Donald Trump is, and particularly as we are sitting here on GLAAD Spirit Day, that he has a view of who he thinks isn't as good as he is. And I think we've sadly seen that to include women and minorities and immigrants and the LGBT community." 

She also took major issue with Trump saying he'll keep everyone in suspense while he figures out what his reaction would be should he lose the election. According to Chelsea, his refusal to back down gracefully is "flying in the face of 240 years of bipartisan commitment."

Finally, she proved she was a mama's girl through and through:

"I'm deeply biased toward my mom, but I hope on Nov. 8 we do send a really strong message that love really does trump hate." 

Well said, Chelsea.