The Elder Scrolls is a game which was released many years ago but due to the fact that one in-game feature randomized plots and quests, along with the added user modifications, the game makes itself essentially endless.

One great feature of the game is the Dragon Shouts. According to the official fandom Elder Scrolls Wikia, Dragon Shouts are very early forms of magic which were used in the first ages but then they were stopped. True to their name, they are a specific set of words which create magic.

The shouts, all of them, are made up of three unique words. The more words one uses, the more powerful the spell will be.

Well IGN has created a very useful list about all the shouts in the game along with where one can find them etched across a surface. Apart from the five that are easy to find, there is an entire list of the hidden ones as well.

Now a great thing about the game is that one does not need to visit these locations in a specific order as they will learn the words in the same order no matter which location is visited first. A few examples will be discussed here.

For starters, the Aura Whisper Shout can be found at the dragon's lair located at Nortwhind Summit. It can be found in Volunruud as well however only during a specific quest called "The silence has been broken dark brotherhood".

The Call of Valor only has one location, found in Sovngarde and is automatically learned during the main game's quest, so is the Clear Skies Shout in High Hrothgar Clear Skies.

There is a shout called Disarm and it can be found in a Dragon's lair at Eldersblood Peak. It can also be found in Silverdrift Lair.

Finally, the Fire Breath Shout can be learned at Dustman's Cairn but only during the Companions Quest called Proving Honor. It is also found in Sunderstone Gorge. As well as the Throat of the world.