ABC's Bachelor In Paradise had its production shut down after a field producer filed a complaint that two cast members engaged in sexual activity, however, one was too drunk to give consent.

The incident occurred between DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios. Allegedly, Jackson took advantage of Olympios while she was swimming in the pool intoxicated.

"We have become aware of allegations of misconduct on the set of 'Bachelor in Paradise' in Mexico. We have suspended production and we are conducting a thorough investigation of these allegations. Once the investigation is complete, we will take appropriate responsive action," an official statement from Warner Bros. said.

An unidentified contestant from the show shared that two additional cast members saw the incident. The contestant goes on to say that along with other cast members, they are furious at production for not doing more to prevent the misconduct.

"People are pissed, and not just at DeMario. We're pissed that this whole thing happened," the contestant revealed. "They could have seen that she was drinking too much and that he was taking advantage. They could have stopped this before it got this far. But they decided to let it go, and let it happen, and see what happened? So, I'm angry at the show, and everyone else is too."

As of now, it is unknown if production will resume following the investigation.