Despite giving what has been almost universally agreed-upon as an amazing performance as Princess Diana in the recent film Spencer, Kristen Stewart has been continuously snubbed in the nominations department by major movie awards.

The most recent snub that has everybody talking has come from the BAFTAs - the British Academy of Film and Television Arts. It's unclear why Stewart has recieved this second omission from nominations, especially after Spencer got such rave reviews at the Venice Film Festival, but it is confusing, as she is stil very much being considered an Oscars contender.

Perhaps it has something to do with the UK's sensitive relationship with material that has to do with the royal family - they (royal family included) have already given several mixed reactions to the popular series The Crown.

Regardless, the lack of nomination has baffled Stewart's fans - but they've found a few different ways to show their favorite actress that they still love her.

One of those ways has been multiple Twitter compilations of all of the actress' impeccable style choices over the past year or so - because while we can't do anything about the whims of certain awards panelists, we can certainly let the actress know that not having their approval doesn't mean she's losing her influence.

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So we're going to jump in on the fun - why not? Here are eighteen of Kristen Stewart's best fits of late.