If you're on any social media that features photos with any type of regularity, you've probably seen a handful (or more) of people talking about the Prequel filter app - specifically, the filter that turns any photo you run through it into one that looks like it was hand-drawn, maybe as concept art for a Disney movie or a Marvel comic. 

Of course, as with any filter with that level of complexity is bound to have some bugs, or instances where it doesn't necessarily work like it should. Some of these photos that we decided to test it on - like the ones of of Tom Holland and Kristen Stewart - turned out so beautiful it almost hurts. Others - like the ones of John Mulaney, Tom Hiddleston, or, god help us, the one of John Oliver that's in there - look like the haunted nightmares of a child who just saw The Polar Express for the first time. 

Still, whether they live in the Uncanny Valley or high up in Perfection Castle, these cartoonified pictures of some of our favorite celebrities deserve to be shared. In advance, we'd like to say both 'we're sorry,' and 'you're welcome.'

Now, without any further ado, let's dig into this weird limbo land of cartoonified - Prequelified, if you will - celebrities.