Jaida Benjamin, the actress known for playing Kelly on Family Reunion, went missing on February 19, gravely concerning her family and the Hollywood community at large.

A flyer first shared online by her aunt, Jihan Benjamin, detailed that Jaida had last been seen at Tujunga Ave and Ventura Blvd in Studio City, wearing a purple crop top, pink jogging shorts and white sneakers.

Her mother also shared the flyer, with the added caption: "Never thought I'd ever have to make this type of post. My baby is missing please help me find her. I can't breathe."

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The flyer was also shared by actor Vincent Ward of The Walking Dead, who said he has worked with Benjamin many times.

Luckily, this situation has a happy ending - as of around 9:30 AM this morning, the LAPD reported that Benjamin was found safe and sound, and is back home with her loving family.

They have not released any details on where she was or what happened to her - those may come later, or they may remain under wraps. Either way, it's a relief to know that Benjamin is home safe.