Zendaya pregnant is trending on Twitter, and the reason it is trending on Twitter is because it is trending on Twitter. (Huh?)

Let us explain.

Earlier today, someone sent the Tweet heard round the world. Someone said Zendaya was pregnant.

Naturally, the internet exploded. Not only would Zendaya being pregnant be the biggest news break to hit the internet in potentially all time ever, but it would mean that Tom Holland was also expecting a child. With Zendaya.

The world went wild. However, the mayhem it sparked was a bit ahead of its time.

It was all made up.

It all stems from a trend that started on TikTok. The trend is called getting #Krissed. Videos with made up rumors would circulate, and then Kris Jenner's face would appear, showing the viewer that the information had been false.

However, this one video managed to cross super media platforms. When it wound up on Twitter, people, not already aware of the meme, were immediately confused. Storms of Tweets asking whether or not Zendaya was actually pregnant started to circulate everywhere.

Twitter Error

Of course, the rumor has since been clarified as false, and now everyone is Tweeting away, remarking on the hilarity and insanity of the morning they've had.

Also, posts have transitioned from stories about the rumor to overall generalized appreciation of how breathtakingly amazing Zendaya is. As we've discussed before, from her insane amount of talent to her various incredible outfits to her adorable relationship with Tom Holland, Zendaya might just be queen of the world.

However, if this morning has made anything absolutely certain, she is not yet expecting an heir.

So to clarify: Zendaya is not pregnant. The world just got collectively #Krissed.