Confused passengers were faced with a shark riding with them on a New York City subway train early yesterday morning.

A 1-and-a-half foot dead shark was found on the floor of the subway car around midnight in downtown Manhattan, CNN reported Aug. 8. The sea creature was reportedly still wet.

One passenger Juan Cano told CNN that he first thought the shark was a toy or being used as a prank

"When I saw the teeth that's I knew it was real, it was no toy," Cano said.

The shark, described as weighing about five or 10 pounds, had blood on its mouth, possibly from being punctured by a fishing hook, Cano told CNN.

The discovery of the shark was allegedly under a row of seats on the Queens-bound N train at the 14th Street stop.

After the finding, subway passengers took photos of the shark and even posed with it.

The shark was removed later that night and disposed of, Metropolitan Transit Authority spokesman Kevin Ortiz told CNN.

The type of shark was never determined.

This weird incident happened during Discovery Channel's Shark Week, but CNN reported that the network denies having any involvement.