Unfortunately for fans of Loki, both Tom Hiddleston and Joss Whedon have confirmed that the Asgardian trickster will not fit into the next Avengers film.

However, the ever-gracious Hiddleston believes it is a smart decision by Whedon to bench the wildly popular character for the duration of The Avengers: Age of Ultron.

"I think keeping it fresh and new is good for The Avengers, even though it's a shame for me," the British actor told RTÉ. "And let's face it, there's seven or eight of them as it is, and Joss is thinking about adding two more, so the screen's gonna be a busy place."

As Ultron promises to bring the Avenger's world crumbling down around them, the superhero team proves that heroes stay consistent while villains come and go.

"When I think of all the things I loved as a child, for example, Hans Gruber [villain, played by Alan Rickman] wasn't in Die Hard 2," Hiddleston said, according to RTÉ. "And in Indiana Jones, by the time he moved from the Lost Ark to the Temple of Doom, there was a whole new bad guy."

It's good versus evil and the Captain America's of the world must eventually prevail. However, despite Loki's current internment in an Asgardian prison, the cunning god will have an expansive role to play in this November's Thor: The Dark World.

"Oh, I've got plenty to do in Thor, believe me. A lot of new stuff. It's a new iteration of the character. It's a new development," Hiddleston told RTÉ. "Another trick, another poker game for the god of mischief. And he plays it well."

Perhaps Loki will find his way into a Marvel Phase 3 film. Until then, fans will have the Thor sequel and Hiddleston's epic Comic-Con appearance to tide them over.