Getting into the Halloween spirit early, Rebel Wilson appeared on Conan Tuesday night wearing a yellow chicken suit to talk about censored jokes and her ABC comedy series Super Fun Night.

The actress/comedian highlights an adult brand of comedy in her show and shared with Conan O'Brien some of the jokes she has had censored both on her series and at the 2013 Teen Choice Awards in August, which she hosted.

For Super Fun Night, she admitted that she is censored "a lot" and "dolphin rape" was a subject ABC would not allow. O'Brien did not understand why she was "obsessed" with doing jokes on that topic. She explained the situation by calling on O'Brien's sidekick, Andy Richter, to play the role of an Asian tourist attempting to pet a dolphin.

Before Richter could say anything, she was on top of him, simulating an attack on a human by a sexually violent dolphin.

"Ahhh! Take me back to Asia," Richter said.

The comedic scene did not do much to sway O'Brien to her side.

"I'm with them, first of all. I don't know how you would work that joke into the show," O'Brien said. "I'm sorry, you're losing me on this one."

Wilson also shared her censored jokes about One Direction and a sight gag she attempted for a scene where she needed to wear a bathing suit. The last bit was filmed for the show but ABC lawyers said the network could not air it. She then talked about seeing the 1D guys "half undressed" and her devotion to the band, though they were not so thrilled to take a photo with her with she first met them. 

Wilson's jokes got O'Brien laughing. Watch all the action in the video below.