Fans excited for the return of Anna Paquin as Rogue in the highly anticipated X-Men: Days of Future Past should be disappointed by director Bryan Singer's latest decision.

Paquin will not be in X-Men: Days of Future Past, despite the actress shooting a sequence for the film early in the process. Singer announced this week that the sequence featuring Rogue was "extraneous" to the film as a whole.

"It's a really good sequence and it will probably end up on the DVD so people can see it," Singer told Entertainment Weekly. "But like many things in the editing process, it was an embarrassment of riches and it was just one of the things that had to go."

The sequence also featured Magneto (Ian McKellen), Professor X (Patrick Stewart) and Iceman (Shawn Ashmore), but all three characters have other scenes in the movie as well.

Cyclops Returning for X-Men: Days of Future Past? [PHOTOS] 

X-Men: Days of Future Past features both the younger and older versions of Magneto and Professor X, with the younger versions being played by Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy, respectively. However, McKellen revealed to The Wall Street Journal that Fassbender has not necessarily studied McKellen's performance to try and mirror him.

"I think he made it clear he wanted to be his own Magneto, and that suits the nature of the story and his part in it," McKellen said. While Stewart and McAvoy's versions of Professor X meet each other in the film, McKellen and Fassbender's versions of Magento do not.

"I just stay by myself and I never meet my younger self," McKellen confirmed.

X-Men: Days of Future Past is scheduled for release in theaters on May 23, 2014.

Watch the X-Men: Days of Future Past trailer here: