Mama Joyce is back to her underhanded ways in the latest episode of Bravo's Real Housewives of Atlanta, but this time Kandi's fiancé Todd threatened to leave her!

Mama Joyce Threatens To Drag Someone! Like Mother, Like Daughter?

Fans who tuned into the Real Housewives of Atlanta last night got another dose of Mama Joyce's seemingly crazy ways. In the past, she has shown her disapproval of Kandi marrying Todd despite her daughter's genuine happiness. Todd is usually able to keep his cool because of his love for the Grammy-nominated music mogul, but her scheming ways got the best of him.

Mama Joyce and a team of unseen cohorts, devised a plan to set Todd up by asking a mutual friend named Benny to take Todd out where other women would be present. According to Carmon, Kandi's assistant and best friend, Mama Joyce offered to pay Benny to get a picture of Todd with another woman to try and break up their relationship.

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Kandi told the story to Todd and it did not go well. Still Kandi, being the loving daughter that she is, tried to make excuses for her moms' behavior. Todd, filled with frustration responded, "I really have no respect for your mom... F-k that."

She and Todd proceeded to get into an argument because Kandi still felt that her mother deserved respect, no matter what she did. Todd and Carmon agreed that Kandi's mom has her "mind- f-ked." Carmon added, "You are always trying to make logic of what she did, and it's no logic to it."

The dagger came when Todd finally told Kandi that, "It's only a matter a time before I feel like, you know what, I love you babe but we can be friends".

In tears, she told her fed up friends, "I'd rather be hurt than to sit up here and let my mom be upset." However, Kandi did agree to get help to deal with her mother, after a brutally honest conversation with Todd and Carmon.

Kandi has had her share of relationships, and Mama Joyce never seems to be on board. If you were Todd, would you have left by now? If you dated someone with a controlling mother, would you stay? Watch it all go down and then take the Enstars poll below!: