Venezuela beauty queen Genesis Carmona died Wednesday after suffering a gunshot wound to the head.

The 22-year-old college student was shot during an anti-government protest on Tuesday and later died at the Centro Medico Guerra Mendez on Wednesday.

Carmona attended the Valencia rally in support of the recently jailed economist and protest leader Leopoldo Lopez.

As with coverage for most of the recent protests, social media jumped in to chronicled Carmona's injury and death. The fifth victim of political unrest in Venezuela, Carmona was photographed in the arms of a motorcyclist as he left the scene in search of medical help.

In the wake of her passing, Carmona's family members have spoken out about Venezuela's violence and political unrest.

"How long are we going to live like this? How long do we have to tolerate this pressure, with them killing us?" said a relative, who preferred to remain anonymous, according to Reuters.

"She only needed one more semester to graduate."

Finishing up her degree in tourism at the time of her death, the slim brunette beauty was also involved in the pageant world. In The 2013 Carmona became Miss Turismo for the state of Carabobo.

Click the video below to see Carmona being taken away from the protest.