Whether it be searching for a desired job or looking to purchase a much-needed discounted item off an average Joe, Craigslist has become a convenient internet hub that several million people turn to on the daily.

And if you're nimble-clicking and lucky enough, you just may land a freebie from its "free" section. But what if you're life solely depended on that pro bono section? Well, that is shockingly the case in an upcoming documentary.

"Craigslist Joe" follows around 29 year-old aspiring filmmaker Joe Garner, who leaves behind everything he truly knows and loves to attempt living money free for 31 days.

Supplied with only a cell phone, laptop, toothbrush and the clothing he's wearing, Garner sets out on a countrywide mission. Be it friendships, food, or clothes, he must obtain them all off of Craigslist for nothing.

Throughout the month, the scenarios and situations young Garner finds himself in become more asinine, as he winds up in odd situations with weirder people.

Craigslist itself was launched and founded in 1995 by Craig Newmark, who used it mainly for friends to receive emails on local happenings in the San Francisco Bay Area. Currently covering over 50 countries, the site began expanding back in 2000.

To date, the website receives a jaw-dropping 20 billion page views per month according to Alexa. It also posts over 80 million new classified ads each month as per Compete.

The documentary is being executive produced by "Hangover" funny man Zack Galifianakis and is set for select theatrical release on August 2nd. It can also be viewed on iTunes on that same day.

Hasn't young Garner ever seen the "Craigslist Killer?" I hope the cameraman has his back!