Twilight actor Robert Pattinson admitted that he's been keeping a low profile on himself due to all the attention he's been receiving from the paparazzi.

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On Wednesday, Contact Music posted the details on the actor when he spoke to Time Out London. He mentioned that even though he's had to stay hidden, it does not affect his life as an actor.

"Acting is the one thing you can control," Pattinson said. "If you give that up, you're a pawn in someone else's game. But I've definitely become a recluse."

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The photographers who surround the actor have gotten him to the point where he's had to make different arrangements on getting around. Even though this might be a hassle, there is one thing that the actor doesn't have to deal with, which sounds like it could be serious.

"I hate getting photographed. So my life has contracted a lot," the Twilight star said. "I only go to places with underground parking lots that sounds stupid. But it means I don't have to deal with that anxiety."

Pattinson also pointed out that he's had to move from London to Hollywood to avoid the paparazzi out there. Apparently, he's better off in the United States.

"If you're going out and you're a bit drunk, it's the law of's just a matter of time before you punch someone in the face and that's a million dollars," the actor said. "That's why I can't live in London. I would love to live here, but there's no point."

Even though the Pattinson's ex-girlfriend Kristen Stewart wasn't mentioned, odds are likely that's a huge topic for the paparazzi to hunt after since the two dated while filming the Twilight movies.