Instagram star Dan Bilzerian is apparently a free man despite what appeared to be an arrest video now that he's added a photo of how he's continuing to live large.

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On Friday, the man posted an image of a fancy yet deranged looking chandelier as it hangs from the ceiling of a deluxe house. The chandelier has orange and yellow goat heads with spikes splurging from the top and bottom, adding some eerie darkness to the house.

Bilzerian captioned the image, "Remember my $6500 fish... Well I got that guy @buckglass to hand blow this monster custom Goat skull chandler for my Vegas house."

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Bilzerian is famous for owning a number of expensive products whether it's a chandelier, a gun or a car. He's also known for living a life that basically consists of no rules especially since he added a clip of himself being handcuffed by cops. The police are telling him to look forward as they ask each other if this is the guy.

It's unclear on what exactly the Instagram star did to get in trouble with the police, but it looks like it doesn't matter since he added another video of himself driving one of the cop cars as he holds a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

He captioned the clip, "Come on you boys didn't think I'd let those b---ards arrest me did you... #CantKeepAGoodManDown."

Bilzerian currently has more than four million followers on his page.