As "Dark Knight Rises" continues to make a splash at the box office with record setting statistics, many are fretting the end of the Christopher Nolan directorial era.  However, with so many questions in the blockbuster unanswered, one can only wonder not when the "Dark Knight Rises, "buzz will cease but how the trilogy will continue; assuming it does.

According to IFC, some of the following questions have not been answered and can be justified via "Dark Knight Rises" sequel:

One question that comes to mind is just what happens to the city of Gotham and Bruce Wayne Enterprises?  With the board of directors deceased and numerous pieces of high tech Batman equipment abandoned throughout the street, there are several unanswered questions looming.   

Another question many are wondering John Blake is the new Batman or Robin?  Obviously, Christopher Nolan made more than certain that everyone got the Robin reference at the film's end, but no clarify was given as to the future of the character.  When Blake rises inside the cave, it becomes clear he should become the new Dark Knight.  However, where would that leave the Robin role?

A third question on everone's mind is if a potential future Batman would be a sequel or a reboot?  Interesting enough, information from a decent time back pointed to the studio rebooting the franchise at the trilogy's end. 

On a side note, it was shocking to see that Nolan did not introduce the audience to some of the other household names amongst the DC universe; especially since the movie's credits had "Man of Steel" strategically placed in.  With "The Flash" and "Justice League" film chatter predictably starting to pickup, it would only make sense.   Then again, not everyone has the creative mind of the great Christopher Nolan.

Patience is indeed a virtue; even in the Batman world.  In time, there will be answers!