The national release of Sony's newest film, "The Interview," has been the most controversial and exhausting film effort of all time. Whether it was the violent threats to movie theaters playing the project in the U.S. from North Korea, or Sony "cancelling" the film all together, or North Korea's sudden internet outage, keeping up with all of the back and forth was more exhausting than going to the mall on Christmas Eve.

Still, the film is officially out (Dec. 25) and reportedly doing well in the 300 theaters that decided to play it. According to Complex and the Alamo Drafthouse chief brand officer Christian Parkes, many showings are close to being sold out. "All of our Thursday shows are sold out and the weekend sales look really strong too," Parkes said of the 19 theaters he owns across Texas.

Stream "The Interview" Right Now, Here!

He continued, "It's selling as well as any movie ever has, and it's not just us. Sales have been terrific at all of the Arthouse Coalition theaters."

YouTube, Google Play and Xbox agreed to stream the film for those who want to watch it from the comfort of their own homes. Those numbers have yet to be calculated, as the option only became available on Dec. 24. Still, with the constant news coverage and patriotic unity in the face of North Korean threats, it will most likely see the same success as the premature box office numbers.

If you would like to celebrate the Holidays by going to see "The Interview," check Fandango to see if the film is playing in a theater near you.

Happy Holidays, Enstars!