505 Games has revealed the final mission in Payday 2 from the infamous Dentist, who was played by Giancarlo Esposito (Gus Fring from Breaking Bad) in its initial trailers.

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This mission will take place at The Golden Gun Casino and feature everything you'd expect from the location- slot machines, Elvis impersonators, and a whole bunch of cash.

You'll be able to find a vent in order to slip sleeping gas into the casino and knock out the guards, although of course if you'd rather forgo the silent approach you can just go in guns a-blazing. Whichever approach you take your goal is the same -- get as much money as possible and get out of there with minimal casualties to your team.

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The Golden Gun Casino Heist will be available to players on June 25.

If you haven't played the game yet on PC or PS3, don't forget that the Crimewave Edition will be hitting Xbox One and PS4 on June 16 in North America. It's a 1080p version of the four-player co-op game that will contain all of the previously released missions and goodies, and is perhaps the best entry point into the popular game that there ever will be.

505 Games will be demoing this new mission for Payday 2 next week at E3 2015, but we won't be in attendance and won't be able to report from the event.

Tags: Payday 2