Tag: third debate

Horses And Bayonets Memes, Obama vs. Romney Presidential Debate Remark Goes Viral (VIEW PHOTOS)

Obama's "horses and bayonets" comment became the most popular topic in social media before the debate ended. The hash tag #horsesandbayonets trended on Twitter, and someone created @horsesandbayonettes Twitter account for followers to tweet comments. Even a new tumblr website was created featuring memes with horses and bayonets. Tumblr's website that features images inspired by Obama's "horses and bayonets" remark. Critics also created a mash up memes referencing remarks from all three presidential debates: horses and bayonet with binders and even Big Bird. The latest Big Bird meme features the Sesame Street character holding a bayonet with his head tilted to the side with the caption, "You want a piece of me Mitt?"
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