They knew going in that other teams were probably going to judge them because of their looks and the fact that they were professional cheerleaders, but Tiffany Chantell Torres and Krista DeBona are still shocked by how much trash talk Kelly Berning and Shevonne Sullivan from Team TMZ talked about them during the first leg of The Amazing Race.

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Talking to SI Live, DeBono admitted she was outraged and shocked by how much YMZ judged them before getting to know them, making quips about their primping process and hinting the two were only there to look good instead of do well on the competition.

"I grew up in this environment where I was brought up not to bring each other down-their [TMZ] job is the complete opposite," she said. "They were literally judging us just by looking at us. We didn't even get a chance to say a word to them."

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"Among my girlfriends, women are taught we should empower one another, to stick together-because we are often underestimated by men," she added.

And though DeBono admits she had initially been fine with other teams thinking they would be too busy working on their looks to be taken seriously as competitors, the comments did still hurt and hit home.

However, karma appeared to work in the cheerleaders' favor when they went to the Detour and chose to work on the puzzle challenge after failing at volleyball-similarly to how TMZ did. However, while it took them nearly four hours to complete the challenge, the cheerleaders finished in less than an hour, and managed to finish ahead of them for the final place among teams going into the final leg.

The irony of the situation did hit Team TMZ hard during the episode, when Sullivan noted that they really weren't so much better than the cheerleaders after all.

"You know what's so sad? I really thought we were smarter than the cheerleaders, and you know what, we're not," she said.

The Amazing Race airs Fridays at 8 p.m. on CBS.