Tai Trang will be struggling in the next episode of Survivor: Kaoh Rong.

Tai made a mistake during Tribal Council in Wednesday night's episode, revealing that he's heard about a Super Idol possibly being in play this season. Of course, only he, Kyle Jason and Scot Pollard knew about this, and Tai tried to cover by saying he thought everyone knew about it.

This reinforced the idea that others in their alliance, like Julia Sokolowski and Michele Fitzgerald, were not in the loop and therefore probably at the bottom of the alliance. They ended up flipping along with Cydney Gillon and working with the Brains to vote out Nick Maiorano.

Survivor host Jeff Probst spoke with Entertainment Weekly after the episode about Tai outing the existence of the Super Idol.

"I think it's very difficult to play this game perfectly. But saying that talking at Tribal isn't good for game play, if I may, is coming from a fear-based approach to the game," he said. "Fear of saying something wrong, fear of upsetting somebody, etc. We could both list numerous times when talking at Tribal led to an amazing 180 and saved somebody. You cannot ever play Survivor from a point of view of 'staying safe.' Tribal is alive. Votes are changing. If you aren't a part of the conversation, you should be concerned. Tai made a mistake. That's really all that happened. He tried to cover it but I don't think anybody bought it. I do think you're hitting on something, which is the more tired and hungrier you get, the more difficult it becomes. But the underlying truth in all of this is it's very tough to play a perfect game. The key is how you recover from a mistake."

This won't be the end of Tai's difficulty in the game, though. Probst teased that the compass of morality stares Tai straight in the face" in the next episode.

Survivor: Kaoh Rong airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.