A sad little mobile over an empty crib. Brand new onesies carefully stacked but never used. An empty space at a table where a highchair should stand. A promo for tomorrow's Blacklist episode has our heads swimming with heart-wrenching imagery, and we sincerely hope our darkest predictions never come to pass.

Tom (Ryan Eggold) and Liz (Megan Boone) survived a harrowing attempt at a wedding, but Mr. Solomon's (Edi Gathegi) onslaught might leave them without a child. An emergency C-section could rob the unlikely couple of their second shot at happiness during episode 18.

"After a tragedy puts a member of the team in grave danger, the task force must rely on Red (James Spader) and his unconventional methods to survive," NBC teased. "Meanwhile, Tom and Liz face an unexpected complication that could affect their baby's future."

Would the series' writers really wend the story down such a depressing path? Liz's life certainly isn't conducive to motherhood, and, with Tom poised to help lead a Blacklist spinoff, the former profiler would be raising the child all on her own. While there are millions of women who do that everyday, a miscarriage would allow the drama to put Boone's real-life pregnancy to bed without ever having to juggle complications off filming with a youngster.

Whatever comes to pass, viewers definitely won't want to miss Thursday's episode.

"Even if one saw the pilot and then sort of abandoned it at that point - if anyone has ever had any passing interest in this show, boy, [episodes] 17 and 18 are so crazy," Spader recently teased on The Tonight Show. "I mean, so crazy."

Find out if Baby Keen will survive his/her birth when The Blacklist airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on NBC. Click the video below to see a preview for "Mr. Solomon: Conclusion."

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