With the hype surrounding the start of the upcoming Future Trunks arc, Dragon Ball Super has all but ensured that this next story would be a success. After all, with beloved characters returning from the future and an enemy that seems as sinister as the protagonist is good, the next Dragon Ball Super arc is shaping up to be a favorite even before it's released.

However, there is still a chance for the anime to completely disappoint fans regarding the upcoming Future Trunks arc. This particular possibility comes from some very disturbing text from a promotional material for the upcoming arc. In the text, Black Goku was addressing Trunks, and the way he addresses the popular character was a little bit disturbing.

"Today's the day I finally kill you, Saiyan!" Black Goku said.

The fact that Black Goku called Future Trunks as "Saiyan" is quite interesting, since very few characters had used that term to refer to the members of the Saiyan race. In fact, through the course of the franchise, calling a character "Saiyan" is almost a derogatory term. Such was how the moniker was used by Frieza, as well as the Androids.

Other Saiyans, however, have never referred to each other using that term. As a result of this little bit of dialogue coming from the upcoming arc's main villain, some fans are speculating that Black Goku might not be a man after all. In fact, there are some speculations stating that Black Goku might actually be an Android since the Androids from Dragon Ball Z have used the same derogatory term before.

If these speculations are correct, then it is quite safe to assume that Dragon Ball Super might be making a very big mistake. After all, if Black Goku turns out to be just another Android,it would seem like the anime was simply recycling old ideas and presenting them as new.

However, the tone of the preview for Episode 47 is still quite encouraging. From what could be seen so far, the arc seems to be intense and very dark. All it really needs to make the whole story work is to have a villain that would not disappoint.