Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26-year-old suspect who was shot and killed by police on Thursday night, reportedly asked his uncle for forgiveness prior to his death.

According to USA Today, Alvi Tsarnaev stated that his nephew called him for the first time in roughly two years.

"He said, 'I love you and forgive me.' We were not talking for a long time because there were some problems. We were not happy with each other," he explained.

The phone call was said to have been made at 7 p.m., just a few hours prior to Tamerlan being shot dead. Alvi stated that he spoke to his nephew for five minutes, and his nephew started the conversation out by saying, "Salem Aleikum," an Arabic phrase meaning "peace on you."

Tsarnaev then reportedly gave praise to his uncle for maintaining a Muslim prayer life, and they also spoke about family.

"I told him I was praying to Allah, not drinking, not smoking, and he told me he was happy. He was asking, 'Did you pay your mortgage?' I told him I was trying to pay. I asked him what he was doing. He said, 'I fix cars, got married, got a baby.'"

Alvi recently learned that his nephew was shot dead from TV news coverage on Friday morning. Now that he's aware of the heinous crimes, he can't fathom forgiving his nephew.

"Killing innocent people, I cannot forgive that. It's crazy. I don't believe it not even. How can I forgive this?"

A manhunt is currently being conducted in order to capture Tsarnaev's brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.  Previous video footage of Tsarnaev has recently been discovered and can be viewed below.