The latest episode in the 2016 adaptation of Berserk is the very definition of irony. Since the series started, fans and critics have been polarized over the content and style of the new anime, with critics lauding the new adaptation for its modern style and fans lamenting that the series does not do the manga justice. The previous episode, Epiphany, however, finally managed to bring fans and critics to a consensus.

What is particularly ironic is the fact that among the episodes of the 2016 adaptation of Berserk so far, Epiphany was the one with the least amount of action. In fact, when compared to the last three episodes, the fourth episode is the most character-driven, with very little action and even more censorship.

Epiphany actually took a break from the daily dose of gore and action in the anime, with Guts getting his equipment repaired by the blacksmith, Godo. It was during the next scenes that possibly the best character development in the series happened, with Guts, fresh off a scolding by the blacksmith over his abandonment of Casca in order to pursue his revenge, coming face to face with his inner demons.

Perhaps what really resonated with fans and critics, however, is how Guts' human side was explored. Over the course of the series so far, Guts has so far been an unstoppable beast of fury, slaughtering anything and anyone that comes across his path. However, in Epiphany, viewers actually managed to see Guts for how he was - a terribly damaged human being who is attempting to escape his guilt by pursuing vengeance.

Also, another factor that really played a huge part in Epiphany was Casca. For the most part, the new anime has not really explored what happened to her after the fateful and tragic Eclipse. In the last episode, however, viewers were able to fully see just how the tragedy of Griffith's betrayal actually affected Casca. In the scenes when she was featured, numerous fans remarked that she seemed almost lobotomized.

Overall, the fourth episode still had its flaws. Just like the previous three, Epiphany still suffered considerably from inconsistent animation and sub-par CGI use. Despite this, however, the character progression was more than enough to make up for the episode's flaws. If any, Epiphany has managed to bring a lot of hope to Berserk's fans. Maybe the 2016 adaptation won't be a train wreck, after all.