The legal situation that could have destroyed her life because of his disappearance is finally behind them, but she's been resistant to a relationship with him anyway, and now Deimos (Vincent Irizarry) will try to prove to Nicole (Arianne Zucker) that he is now a changed man on Days of Our Lives.

Citing the past, and how he manipulated Victor (John Aniston) and Maggie (Suzanne Rogers), and also how after he wound up surviving falling into the river but not coming forward quicker so she would no longer face charges for his murder, Nicole rebuffed Deimos's suggestion that they try being together for real this time. He swore his near-death experience at Kate's (Lauren Koslow) hands had changed him, and he even promised Nicole his attraction to her had nothing to do with how she looked like his long-lost love Helena. She still refused however, even though a part of her does still feel an attraction to him.

Now, as he tries to step up his efforts to win her over and get her back in his life, Deimos will decide to prove to her that he's changed by exposing his softer side of his personality, in the hopes that when she witnesses it she will realize he is telling the truth.

Sure enough, Nicole will witness what he does while she is with Dario (Jordi Villasousa), who has expressed his own interest in her and berated her for secretly wanting Deimos despite all the trouble he has caused. And though a part of her will still feel torn because of the loyalty she has for Maggie, she may find herself more willing to come around to the idea that Deimos is a changed man, one who is decent, and worth giving a chance to.

However, even if she does decide to give him a chance, things may not last long, as his shady past and connections to crimes could quickly come back and haunt him, as he may become the prime suspect in a case that is troubling everyone in Salem-Tate's kidnapping.

Days of Our Lives airs Monday-Friday at 1 p.m. on NBC.