Cynthia Bailey has opened up about her divorce with Peter Thomas since she revealed she would be going forward with their split recently.

People caught up with Bailey who said, “I’m doing awesome. I’m at a great place in my life. I used to always say I just want to be happy. I don’t say that anymore. Now I just say I want peace.”

Bailey, who seems to have found her happiness is now looking forward to another big moment in her life.

“I’m turning 50 next year,” she added. “It’s a huge milestone for me. It’s really important for me to wake up on my 50th birthday and just love my life – every part of my life. And that’s real.”

Still, Bailey did confess that things are not going 100 percent smoothly as she and Thomas prepare to end their marriage.

“It’s scary, but there is something very powerful about starting my life over by myself at this age. Some women feel like it’s too late to start over and I don’t think it’s ever too late to be at peace.”

She said her daughter 16-year-old daughter Noelle Robinson, whose father Leon Robinson, has definitely played a part in helping her heal.

“At this point in my life it’s just me and her again. It’s just back to us. She has been hugely supportive and just a sweetheart with the personal issues I’m dealing with with my marriage. I think children just sense when you need a hug and she has been a great hugger and a great supporter, and that goes a long way.”