"Arrow" season 5 may have broken the hearts of OliCity fans when the new boyfriend of Felicity was introduced. However, there may be something more to Felicity's new lover than meets the eye.

There's nothing more heartbreaking for OliCity shippers than finally seeing Felicity has moved on from her failed relationship with Oliver, as shown in the latter part of "Arrow" season 5 premiere. There is not much information given about the new character until episode 2 was aired.

For viewers, who have seen the second episode of the CW series, Felicity's boyfriend is identified as a new detective at the Star City Police Department, Billy Malone. Felicity had enlisted his help to find information about the piece of fabric taken from the Ragman.

Although Malone had more exposure in the latest episode, information about him is still insufficient to conclude whether he is a good guy or someone from the other side of the spectrum. For OliCity fans, the lack of facts about the new guy could be a good thing because then, many speculations can be made and one bad rumor about Malone could mean there is still hope for Oliver and Felicity to get back together.

Firstly, the new detective is too new and not being given a background may mean that he is keeping some secret. Add to this, being a new resident of Star City and instantly snuggling with Felicity is definitely curious. How well does Felicity know him? Viewers' answer to this one may not be clear but after episode 2 of "Arrow" season 5, they have an idea how much Malone knows Felicity.

Based on their brief conversation in the police headquarters, Malone does not know much about his girlfriend. This is backed by the fact that he does not know Felicity's friends as he stated when talking with her. Makes one think how long a relationship with secrets can last.

One speculation that comes to mind about Malone's identity is that he could be working for the new Star City villain, Prometheus. This is not exactly impossible because the guy arrived just at the same time that Prometheus starts to secretly terrorize specific residents of the metropolis. He might be using his relationship with Felicity to build trust and then gain access to the Arrow team.

Another more outrageous, but not impossible, assumption is that Malone and Prometheus are one and the same. Although this will be the ultimate reason that will cause OliCity to become a thing again, here's why the speculation is outrageous: Producers have already mentioned that Prometheus is someone from Oliver's past, so Malone slipping under the Arrow's radar is not exactly viable.

Almost everyone already believes that the new relationship Felicity has is doomed to fail. Even non-shippers of the romance would agree on that part.

To find out what becomes of OliCity, watch "Arrow" season 5 on CW every Wednesday night.