There are any different assortments of amazing people spread out throughout this world. Sometimes these people go as high as above the skys and into what we call infinite space.

Peggy Whitson is a native from Iowa, United States. She works for the North American Space Association, or NASA for short, as an astronaut. However, unlike many other astronauts, Peggy is more than just ahead of the curve when it comes to achievements.

For instance, she has been with Nasa for quite a number of years. In 2007 she became the first ever female commander of the space station. In 2002 she was noted down as the most number of times a female has logged in days while on a space expedition according to Des Moines.

She has been to space twice already which is already an achievement.

But for her, it is not enough. She does not look like the woman who likes to just stop even when she is ahead. In about two weeks time she will head out to space again as a commander. This will cause her to break even more records.

Khou reported some of the records she will be breaking. Firstly, she will be the first ever female to command the space station more than once. This is not only a great achievement for her but an achievement for women all over the world.

Secondly, she will be the oldest living female Astronaut in space.

Indeed, as of right now she is 56 years old and whilst most people this age are thinking of their retirement plans, she went through 19 months of training to confirm she was fit to be in space.

If that is not surprising enough, Peggy herself mentioned how that with age it becomes easier to train rather than becoming harder. She says it is because she knows what to expect and knows what to set aside. This way she can sort her mind out and focus on the important things. According to her this does indeed make it easier.

It is no surprise that the entire world will be proud of her when she sets off and expect her to improve her already-made mark in history.