Apple has already included many new and innovative specs by sacrificing a lot of its traditional components in its latest MacBook Pro. Among all these, one of the most intriguing is the elimination of its SD card slot which has been replaced with Thunderbolt ports. The users of this newly launched are giving out mixed expressions on this new development. However, the tech giant is showing immense confidence with this latest attachment.

While clarifying the usefulness of this attribute, Senior Vice President of Apple: Phillip Schiller said to The Independent, the SD slot was eliminated due to a few reasons. Primarily, it's a bit of a cumbersome slot. As a potential alternative of this slot, users can use USB card readers, and then CompactFlash can be used as well as SD, as stated by him. He further said that as a majority of next gen cameras are coming out with wireless transferable attributes, Apple has tried to focus more on this growing wireless technology by sacrificing the SD slot. 

Though these points carry immense validity, but, according to Engadget, many professionals and photographers will not agree with it. It is notable in this case, that new age cameras and photography tools do come with inbuilt Wifi connectivity. But there are plenty high-end cameras which still use SD cards for storage purposes. Therefore, this can prove to be a disadvantage for those who have the later type of cameras. Moreover, many potential tech fans may not go for this new MacBook Pro only because of this reason.

In a later briefing, Schiller admitted that he was surprised to know about the criticisms and debates made by an ample number of tech lovers around this latest subtraction done by Apple to include the latest technology. However, he said that the decision to only use Thunderbolt ports was a "bold risk." adding that Apple will convey all kinds of support which are needed by the users for this development to be adopted widely.