This article about "Suits" Season 6 finale contains spoilers. Continue reading only if you want to learn more about the story and what Sarah Rafferty has to say about her character

"Suits" Season 6 finale spoilers reveal that Donna will be doing some serious thinking about her life and future after launching The Donna. Sarah Rafferty reviled that The Donna is not really the main focus of the storyline. Instead, the focus was on Donna's soul search.

Speaking with TVLine, the actress words raised a lot of questions and the most common thing fans wanted to know is whether Donna will be the next character to leave the firm in "Suits" Season 6 finale. As they can recall, Jessica Pearson left the firm during the first half of the season with the same reason - to pursue her true passion.

Rafferty explained that she hopes that this will help the viewers to find out more about Donna after "Suits" Season 6 finale instead of just linking her with Harvey all the time. She said that the dynamics of the "Darvey" relationship is that it is constantly changing and that makes it even more interesting for fans to watch.

"Suits" Season 6 finale spoilers reveal that Anita Gibbs will be returned and haunt Mike Ross. According to Carter Matt, Mike will be asking Harvey and his girlfriend Rachel to help him with his career.

Unfortunately for fans, it looks like Gibbs will be determined to keep Mike from the courtroom by stopping him from becoming a lawyer in the "Suits" Season 6 finale episode titled "Character and Fitness." The finale of the most popular USA legal drama will air on March 1.

Will Donna leave the firm in "Suits" Season 6 finale? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!