After denying the allegations made by his ex-wife Sonni Pacheco, Hawkeye actor Jeremy Renner fired back with some controversial comments of his own.

Renner shared what really happened before splitting with Pacheco on December 2014, noting that the Canadian actress is being one-sided and hiding the truth.

A month ago, Pacheco filed a request to the Superior Court of Los Angeles, California to have the sole legal and physical custody of their six-year-old child, Ava. However, while the mediation for the custody is still ongoing, Pacheco has been leaking controversial information about her ex-husband in what seemed to be a way to help her win the case.

Some of the allegations made by Pachecho against the actor include threatening to kill her, putting a gun in his mouth, and pulling the trigger while Ava was sleeping in her room. Though the mentioned crimes are still yet to be proven, she has already added more by stating that the actor is also under illegal substances.

Monetheless, before this intense dispute started, Renner exposed that there are a lot of things that happened during their 10-month marriage -- and he is unfolding them one by one now.

Renner revealed he did a random drug test three months ago to disprove that he is under illegal drugs. The result turned out negative, far from what Pacheco has been repeatedly saying. He suggested that his ex-wife is the one with a drug problem that is causing her to do these troubles.

He supported his statement more when he revealed that he hired a mental health specialist just so he could show Pacheco that he is a mentally healthy and clear-headed. He believes that Pacheco is making everything up and just looking for a 'banker' to feed her.

According to Renner, his ex-wife has psychological problems even before their marriage. He then appealed to the court to minimize the time she could spend with their daughter until she sees a specialist and "overcomes her overwhelming obsession with demonizing" the actor.

More Allegations

According to newly filed documents obtained by TMZ, Renner stated that Pacheco shared the actor's nudes to their custody evaluator without his knowledge. Pacheco even went on tp threaten him to selling his uncencored photos. For him, it was her way to embarrass and humiliate him.

The pair had also exchanged nude photos of one another when they got married, as stated on the new legal documents. 

Over their less-than-one-year marriage, the actor said that Pacheco would always tell her friends that she "bagged an Avenger" and jokingly say she would let them meet the other Avengers so they could "bag an Avenger" as well.

Renner included on his legal document a timeline of his films and the times when the ex-wife made the allegations against him. According to Renner, Pacheco's allegations seemed to be planned to have the actor's image stained during his movies' premieres.

The document claimed that Pacheco is obsessed with Renner's sex life -- including one of his nannies. This has been proven by the actor, as he revealed how the actress expressed sex in her arts. The 'disturbing' obsession of his ex-wife made the actor to be more concerned that Ava might be exposed to 'dark graphic, sexual material' because of her mother.

The truth is yet to be unveiled. People have heard both sides, but the battle is expected to ignite more.