Ric Flair is facing sexual assault allegations from the stewardess that assisted him during his private flight almost 20 years ago.

Explicit details about the two-time WWE Hall-of-Famer's "plane ride from hell" were explored in the most recent episode of "Dark Side of the Ring." The Vice TV series revealed that the aircraft had been full of WWE Superstars, backstage officials, and airline attendants.

Sources reported that the events in that 2002 flight included debauchery, drunken fights between the passengers, and other unspeakable things.

Plane Ride From Hell

A snippet from the episode painted a picture of what happened during the flight. Ric's wrestling colleague Tommy Dreamer had exposed the events that followed throughout the journey, including Flair's public indecency towards the crew.

The entertainer narrated the story of Ric getting naked in front of everybody, showing his "well-endowed pen-s" as he "twirled" and "moved his hips" to imitate a spinning helicopter.

"Hey, he's the Nature Boy for a reason. He got a hammer on him," Dreamer said. The athlete continued to defend his friend, saying, "He was just flaunting, stylin' and profilin' doing, like the 'Rick Flair' stuff where everybody's going to laugh about it. But obviously, someone took offense to it."

As reported by this article, Tommy was reportedly suspended indefinitely by his company, Impact Wrestling, because of his comments in the docuseries.

The Assault

As the clip began circulating on social media, a more important witness caught the attention of people. The flight attendant, who claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Ric, revealed her traumatizing experience. "Ric Flair was naked, in a cape only, and then he decided to come to the galley to get a coke, and then he wouldn't leave the galley." the woman recollected.

She then stated that she could not move after the retired wrestler backed her up against the back door while his genitalia was hanging out. "I couldn't get away from him, I couldn't move. He was spinning around his pen-s, and he wanted me to touch it. He took my hand and put it on him," the stewardess said.

In August, Flair attended Renee Paquette's podcast and hinted that he knew about the content of the docuseries ahead of its release,

"I was there and I don't care whose name I gotta drop if the heat falls on me. I know who was where and what and who and what took place. I know the whole story," He exclaimed to the host.

Ric flair, Ric Flair News