Kanye West has apologized for his Instagram actions towards estranged wife Kim Kardashian.

The performer has been keeping the public appraised of every detail of his on-going divorce with the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star. He has taken to an array of various tactics. These include trying to find her on vacation, sending a truck full of roses to her house on Valentine's Day, writing threatening lyrics about Kim's current boyfriend Pete Davidson, and sharing screen shots of their various conversations to social media apps.

According to an article on The Hollywood Reporter, Ye is apologizing for these posts. Recently, he postsed screenshots of messages between himself and Kim Kardashian. He has now apologized for the messages, which seems like a step in the right direction. He took to Instagram with the caption:

"I've learned that using all caps makes people feel like I'm screaming at them. I'm working on my communication. I can benefit from a team of creative professionals, organizers, mobilizers and community leaders. Thank everybody for supporting me. I know sharing screen shots was jarring and came off as harassing Kim. I take accountability. I'm still learning in real time. I don't have all the answers. To be good leader is to be a good listener."

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  However, he then quickly took to Instagram to post a picture of a poster (which was almost immediately taken down) which read, "Stop telling fathers they should have fought harder to see their children, and start asking mothers why he had to fight at all."

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West, however, is coming at this day from two alarmingly disparate ends of the specturm. A bit over half an hour ago, the performer also published a text post on his Instagram which read:  "love, the beauty only you can summon, openness to learn + creative intelligence from highest self vs. frustration, ego, distraction, provocation. Souls are exhaused right now. They crave (soulFULL) leaders (lovers, visionaries) who are at peace, clear, free & in harmony with themselves first. They are the ones truly in power; standing on top of The World. She will come back - as God intends. What will be different? Be gentle. Be patient. Keep growing. We are rooting for you/ your peace/your family & everyone else's. God Bless us all."

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We hope the end to this is soon in sight.