In the current season of AMC's hit zombie series, The Walking Dead, fans have undoubtedly grown weary of newbie prison group member Bob Stookey, who is played by actor Larry Gilliard Jr.

The respective character initially appeared after Daryl (Norman Reedus) located him on a solo trek. Although Stookey seems hungry to prove himself to Rick and company, he continues to struggle with demons from his past, which includes alcoholism.

Showrunner Scott M. Gimple recently took the time to dish to The Hollywood Reporter on just how complex the shady character's internal struggles really are.

"There's definitely something going on with this guy, he's definitely haunting. He's definitely got issues; he has things he's struggling with and it could be coming out in different ways. We certainly saw that in the first episode. Bob is going to be evolving, and we're just going to find out more and more about him," he explained.

While executive producer and comic book series creator Robert Kirkman has proven in the past that he doesn't have to adhere to TWD comics, many enthusiasts are surely wondering whether Bob will turn out to be a loyal follower of the Governor (David Morrissey). In the comic's storyline, Stookey ends up saving him from the wrath of Michonne (Dunai Gurira).

"Bob is going to be evolving, and we're just going to find out more and more about him," Gimple added.

The Walking Dead is set to make its return to the small screen for episode 3, Isolation, on Sunday, Oct. 27 at 9/8 p.m. Central Standard Time. Be sure to keep checking back for more of the latest details on the popular AMC show.

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