Pretty Little Liars star Troian Bellisario recently opened up about her struggles with eating disorders and self-harming.

Bellisario spoke with Seventeen magazine about her issues growing up with body image and how it affected her day-to-day life.

"It was about wanting to please my father and mother and wanting to be perfect to everybody," Bellisario admitted. "I just thought if I ever expressed to [my parents] any sadness or anger or anything that's going on with me, they would disown me. I kept a lot of it bottled up inside, and it turned into self-destructive behavior."

Some of the actress's issues included refusing to eat food or hang out with friends based on her grades in school. She noted that she had created a system in which she would punish herself for doing poorly in her academics.

To this day, Bellisario admits that her struggles are ongoing, even extending to comparing herself to her Pretty Little Liars co-stars.

"Honestly, it's an ongoing struggle. Especially for a woman on a show that has the word 'pretty' in it!" she admitted. "Sometimes I feel like I'm trying too hard, like I don't belong. I just look around at Lucy [Hale], Shay [Mitchell] and Ashley [Benson] and I'm just like, 'Why am I on this show?' Sometimes I've felt like a fraud. Like, I'm not like these other girls-I don't dress like that and I don't know how to do my hair."

Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Winter Premiere [PHOTOS] 

She added that she likes to dress in her own way once she's not in front of the camera for Pretty Little Liars.

Bellisario will continue to star in Pretty Little Liars through the remainder of season 4 and beyond.

Pretty Little Liars returns for its winter premiere on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 8 p.m. on ABC Family.