Vincent seems to be in some deep trouble, as he is seen behind bars with the threat of a life sentence looming over his head, in the preview for the upcoming episodes of season 2 of Beauty and the Beast.

Sam's Beast Leads Into A Deadly Battle with Vincent?  

Fans are going to be starved of some Vin-Cat action as the second season of Beauty and the Beast broke for a brief hiatus until summer but rest assured Enstars will help sustain with spoilers every now and then. The preview for the rest of the season reveals that Vincent is in prison, leaving a very distressed Catherine, who finally patched-up and fell back in love with him.

In the clip, Catherine is seen fighting for Vincent as the authorities arrest him. Later, while talking to friend, she says that he could be up for a life sentence and he wouldn't be able to survive that. The beast in Vincent takes over and it seems like he breaks out of prison. In hiding, Catherine watches out for him but he suggests she leave him alone, as she was putting her life in danger too. "I just got you back, I am not letting you go again," Catherine tells him.

Sam Reveals Scheme to Incriminate Vincent for Murder? 

Jay Ryan, who plays Vincent, and Kristin Kreuk, who plays Catherine, recently thanked fans during E! Online's Save One Show tournament. Beauty and the Beast won as fans voted to save the show and renew it for another season.

Watch the preview here: