Is your computer facing the wrath of the internet doomsday this morning? If you haven't checked your computer for the DNS Changer Malware prior to 12.01a.m. ET July 9, then it is likely that the internet has been cut off from your computer. 

PC users around across the U.S. have been warned to check their computers to see if it had been infected by the malware. One of the sites users were led to,, automatically checked whether your computer was safe by showing either a green or red screen. 

At exactly 12.01 am ET this morning, the FBI turned off the temporary internet servers that were functioning as a safety net to keep infected computers online for the last eight months. However, the FBI pulled the cords on those servers, meaning, those who were reliant on their servers lost internet connection. 

If your computer is one of those unfortunate ones that have been infected, the best advice is to go to your Internet service provider

Monday's internet doomsday is a result of international hackers who tried to control over half a million infected computers across the world in an advertising scam through their malicious servers. However, when FBI caught onto them and tried to turn those servers off, they realized that those infected could lose access to internet service. To remedy the problem temporarily, the FBI set up clean servers so that those infected can use them rather than losing their internet with no warning. 

Although the infected computers were initially believed to be around 64,000 across the States, that number had decreased to 45,600 by July 4.  

Tags: DNSChanger