They made a huge mistake once before, and now, JJ (Casey Moss) and Eve (Kassie Depaiva) will do it again on Days of Our Lives.

Eve Manipulates Her Situation To Her Advantage

After JJ believed he and Paige (True O'Brien) had truly broken up and Eve learned she would never sing again, the two drunkenly hooked up-only to realize how awkward it was for them both to then be around Paige. Eve demanded JJ no longer see her daughter again at the risk of her finding out what happened, but JJ defied her and began seeing Paige in secret.

Eve figured out what happened and took Paige to L.A. when her grandfather became ill-and lied about his condition to keep her daughter across the country from her boyfriend. JJ however figured out the truth and went to confront Eve about her lies-but something the two never expected is going to happen.

JJ and Paige Continue Seeing One Another In Secret

After the two become increasingly more angry at one another, they will fall to the couch and anger will turn to passion-meaning they will have sex once again, and will double up on the heart-breaking mistakes they need to keep from Paige.

Meanwhile, Will (Guy Wilson) is continuing to get closer and closer to the truth behind his husband Sonny's (Freddie Smith) life before they met, as he continues to interview Sonny's secret ex, Paul (Christopher Sean) for an article. Paul has been secretive so far, but will finally open up to Sonny about his past love-and if Will puts all the clues together, he will be in for a major shock to his marriage.

Days of Our Lives airs Monday-Friday at 1 p.m. on NBC.