They both learned the truth about what really kept JJ (Casey Moss) and Paige (True O'Brien) apart for so much time, but Jennifer (Melissa Reeves) and Daniel (Shawn Christian) will strongly disagree over how to handle the massive secret on Days of Our Lives.

Eve and Cole Plot Against JJ & Paige

After realizing JJ had been sleeping with Paige's mother, Eve (Kassie DePaiva), Jennifer used the situation to her advantage, blackmailing Eve into no longer interfering in the young couple's relationship, at the risk of having the secret exposed to her daughter if she did. And though Eve has still been secretly plotting behind everyone's backs anyway, to the best of Jennifer's knowledge, she has stopped scheming.

However, Daniel soon put the pieces together on his own, after Paige informed him she has spied his jacket at Eve's apartment after she had clearly slept with someone. Daniel remembered he had loaned the jacket to JJ, and go a confession out of the teen later on. Ever since being brought into the loop though, Daniel has insisted that Paige be told the truth and that the schemes stop-but Jennifer refuses to cooperate.

Daniel Questions JJ

Now, the former lovers will continue to argue over how to truly handle the situation-with Jennifer maintaining it is best if Paige doesn't learn the truth and Eve is still forced to keep quiet, while Daniel will try to appeal to her that if Paige happens to stumble across the truth on her own, then everyone will suffer from keeping the secret.

And unfortunately for Jennifer, Daniel may have a valid point-as Eve will make a big mistake around her daughter which will potentially expose the whole affair to her after all.

Days of Our Lives airs Monday-Friday at 1 p.m. on NBC.