The third Presidential Debate took place on Monday night, and with the country focused on the economy, for many the debate proved a little lackluster and insignificant. However, debate moderator Bob Schieffer gave millions of viewers a huge laugh when he made one of the biggest gaffes in presidential debate history - saying “Obama Bin Laden” at one point in the debate.

The gaffe immediately made a massive impact on social media sites, with many mocking Schieffer and poking fun at the hilarious mistake.

Here are some of the “Obama Bin Laden” tweets:

Michael B.: "Did anyone else just hear the debate moderator refer to the late leader of al-Qaeda as "Obama" bin Laden?"

Kevin J. Ward: "My favorite mistake of the night, Moderator referring to "Obama Bin Laden" instead of "Osama". ha ha #debatefail"

Baylen Clough: "Those debates lead to working out cause they're so frustrating to watch... On a happier note-// Obama bin laden hahaha."

Jessica Slagle: "I'm still thrown off my 'Obama bin Laden' and Romney's weird 'get in my van' laugh at the end... is Ron Paul still in the race??"

Sara Poppovich: "Did anyone else hear Bob Shieffer, at 110 years of age, say Obama Bin Laden?!?! No, but seriously??! #debate."


Sarah Huisenga: "Top 5 google searches for Romney pt 2: 4. what kind of car does mitt romneydrive 5. mitt romney governor."

The third debate ended with Obama-leaning media outlets praising Obama’s aggressive style, where as Romney-leaning outlets saying Romney had maintained integrity and came across as “presidential.”

During the debate Obama continued his aggressive style of debating, often interrupting Romney to try and “correct” things he was saying. Many believed Obama was still trying to make up for his first lackluster debate performance. Where as Romney tried to remain calm and portray himself as a candidate for peace on foreign policy issues. He often backed Obama’s foreign policy decisions but said he would take them further.

Watch Schieffer saying "Obama Bin Laden," Below: