Ruby Rose will be keeping her Australian accent when she makes her Orange Is the New Black debut.

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Rose is set to play Stella Carlin in season 3 of the Netflix prison dramedy, a new prisoner to Litchfield. Fans can now hear Rose's accent as Stella in a new sneak peek video released by Netflix.

The video features Stella and Piper (Taylor Schilling) hanging out in the sewing room of the prison.

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"You should hear yourself, like, 'Help, I'm the skinny hot girl,'" Stella tells Piper in a mocking tone.

"If you knew me, you would know I am definitely not the hot girl," Piper replies.

"You're tall, and blonde, and your legs are up to your neck. Relax!" Stella advises in return.

The sneak peek shows off the chemistry between Stella and Piper, as there has been buzz leading up to season 3 that they might become love interests.

Rose previously spoke with MTV UK about Stella and teased this potential romance.

"Stella is a charming, androgynous, Australian inmate, who finds herself in a situation where she may or may not have some romance and may or may not cause some drama," Rose said. "I'm not sure... I'm just going off what I read on the internet. If you look at the Stella artwork with the candle there is a Koala in it also, so you know, maybe my crime involves a gang of Koalas?"

Orange Is the New Black season 3 is scheduled for release on Friday, June 12 on Netflix.