Everyone is catching on to one player's evil schemes on the Big Brother 17 live feeds.

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Head of Household: James Huling

Nominees: Jace Agolli and Jackie Ibarra

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Other houseguests: Audrey Middleton, Austin Matelson, Becky Burgess, Clay Honeycutt, Da'Vonne Rogers, Jace Agolli, Jason Roy, Jeff Weldon, John McGuire, Liz Nolan, Meg Maley, Shelli Poole, Steve Moses and Vanessa Rousso

The Veto ceremony was held on Sunday in the Big Brother house and it was clear that Jace had become the replacement nomination after Steve used the Power of Veto on himself. Jace was mostly blindsided by this, flipping off the cameras and confronting various houseguests.

Jace argued with Audrey about her being the potential ringleader to get him out, but she placed the blame on others and things gradually settled. Eventually, Jace appeared to have accepted his fate, knowing that he will be the first person evicted.

But a few interesting developments have occurred as far as trusting Audrey. In a nutshell, a great majority of the house is suspicious of her making alliances with everyone and placing blame on everyone but herself. Even those in her supposed alliance, like Da'Vonne, Jason and Shelli have discussed Audrey's problematic over-playing.

Pretty much everyone knows she's a problem, but that hasn't stopped them from forming and reinforcing alliances with her. Audrey created a new alliance called Sleeper Cell with Clay, Shelli, Austin and Vanessa.

While there has been some talk of targeting Austin next, it's looking like many houseguests are getting fed up with Audrey, so she will really need to win the Head of Household competition on Thursday in order to keep herself safe for a bit. Even still, if the other HOH's nominees win the Battle of the Block, Audrey could find herself going from HOH to evicted in one week.

Big Brother 17 returns for a new episode on Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.